CCI 22 LR Subsonic 40gr HP/100 Mfg# 56 | 22lr sub sonic ammo | 22lr sub sonic ammo In stock
CCI’s ammunition is great for sports from small game hunting to casual plinking. CCI combined rimfire priming compound with select propellants so you get very little residue. 22lr sub sonic 2022
– Bullet Type: Hollow Point
– Muzzle Energy: 98 ft lbs
– Muzzle Velocity: 1050 fps
– Caliber: 22 Long Rifle
– Bullet Weight: 40 GR
– Rounds/box: 100 Rounds Per Box, 50 Boxes Per Case Warranted against manufacturers defects.
Subsonic .22 LR Square-Off
We tested each load at 30 yards from a bench, firing five, five-shot groups per load and measuring groups with a digital caliper. Testing was conducted with a Ruger 10/22 semiautomatic rifle and a Simmons 3-9x32mm scope. Velocity was measured at 10 yards with a Competition Electronics chronograph. None of the loads had any feeding or functionality issues in the semiauto platform. Each load was also fired without any malfunctions through a High Standard Sport King semiauto pistol to measure functionality 22lr sub sonic for sale

American Eagle Suppressor .22 LR
Federal Premium’s American Eagle Rimfire Suppressor load features clean-burning propellants that won’t unduly dirty the baffles in a suppressor. The Suppressor load features a 45-grain copper-plated round-nose bullet that carries a muzzle velocity of 934 fps. Reliable, accurate and cost effective, it’s also designed to run in semiauto platform Optics Ammunition Shop

Weight: 45 gr.
Average Velocity (fps): 934
SD: 23
ES: 47
Best Group (in.): .72
Average Group (in.): .92
MSRP: $5/box (50 rds.)
Manufacturer: Federal Premium, federalpremium

CCI Subsonic .22 LR
A great round for hunting that offers supreme accuracy, the CCI Subsonic .22 LR features a 40-grain hollowpoint bullet that’s extremely lethal on small game. Carrying 98 ft-lbs. at the muzzle, Subsonic .22 LR has plenty of punch for small- to medium-sized game. 22lr sub sonic
Because it offers quick penetration on small-size targets, it’s become a staple among varmint hunters. Loaded with precision and consistency from the factory, it’s not surprising that CCI’s Subsonic posted a standard deviation (SD) of just 17 and a best group of .52 inch at 30 yards
Subsonic is designed to function in any firearm that can handle the standard-velocity .22 ammo. As testing proved, Subsonic runs well in both a semiauto handgun and rifle.

Weight: 40 gr.
Average Velocity (fps): 1,039
SD: 17
ES: 41
Best Group (in.): .52
Average Group (in.): .82
Manufacturer: CCI, cci-ammunition

Eley Subsonic Hollow .22 LR
Known for its competition pedigree and precision loading, Eley has long been a top performer and producer of .22 ammunition. Let’s just say the company knows its way to the top of the podium.
Its Subsonic Hollow .22 LR load features a 38-grain hollowpoint bullet that’s designed to expand at a lower velocity of 1,037 fps. The 96.2 ft-lbs. of energy still ensures lethal expansion and penetration on varmint-sized critters while a nongreasy lubricant coating provides flawless operation in semiauto platforms and varied weather conditions
Incredibly quiet and lethal, Eley’s Subsonic Hollow load delivers hunting performance with match-grade accuracy. Not surprisingly, Eley’s 38-grain load posted a best group of .57 inch and showed very little deviation in velocity. 22lr sub sonic for sale

Weight: 38 gr.
Average Velocity (fps): 1,037
SD: 11
ES: 22
Best Group (in.): .57
Average Group (in.): .72
Manufacturer: Eley, eleyammunition

Remington 22 Subsonic
Big Green has been making reliable rimfire rounds for decades with a long lineage of dependability to show for it. The company’s 22 Subsonic line is no different, offering shooters consistent performance for small-game hunting and plinking alike.
Featuring a 38-grain projectile that leaves the muzzle at 1,041 fps, Subsonic is also fast enough to allow it to run in a semiauto without issue. With an energy of 93 ft-lbs. combined with a lead hollowpoint, it’s ideal for high-volume shooting on small game.
Subsonic is also effective with a suppressor, so whether you’re shooting soda cans or prairie dogs, there’s no need to give yourself a headache. Best of all, Remington offers its Subsonic loads for just 7 cents a round.

Weight: 38 gr.
Average Velocity (fps): 1,041
SD: 21
ES: 57
Best Group (in.): .61
Average Group (in.): .91
Manufacturer: Remington,
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